
Exorcist 2: The Heretic ( A cinematic shart)

After selecting a few lesser known classics like Exorcist 3(the excellent Exorcist sequel with Brad Douriff aka Chucky from Child’s Play) and House, I decided that I would watch the cinematic abortion that is Exorcist 2. Reagan has moved on with her life and lives in relative simplicity dancing her days away in high school. She has no memories of that one time when Pazuzu was all up in her gutty wuts making her do stuff like spider walk, piss everywhere, and vomit green shit everywhere. OR DOES SHE REMEMBER AND PAZUZU IS CONTROLLING HER AND SHE’S JUST HIDING IT EXCEPTIONALLY WELL?
That’s pretty much the premise. The big wigs at the Vatican decide to send a priest who’s actually a really big fuckup. It’s unbelievable how much of a fuckup he is. The film opens with him botching an exorcism and letting a girl catch on fire while doing absolutely nothing to put her out. No “Stop, drop, and roll!” or anything. So yeah, he’s like the Barney Fife of exorcists. Eventually the stupidest device in cinema history is introduced. It’s supposed to access the subconscious of Reagan so we can see if Mr. Zuzu is still up in her. It has straps that attach to your head, enough to “psychically” link two people. How do they do that? Easy. You stare into an intensely bright light for about 5 minutes at a time, and I guess that puts you into a trance. They don’t mention the part about going FUCKING blind. It really is ridiculous, and according to the man himself William Friedkin (He had no part in this shitpile.) the entire theatre burst into laughter when the apparatus was revealed. Like, helpless, hysterical laughter. Like, are you fuckin kidding me?
The movie isn’t entirely without it’s cool parts. The part where Pazuzu is exerting his spiritual influence and all those locust shots and weird chanting is going on is kinda cool. Personally I think they could cut out 20 minutes of the endlessly repeating locust swarms. Another part is when that fuckup priest “Takes wing with Pazuzu”. It’s oddly romantic. Like Aladdin except for with Sumerian gods of the air and crop destruction. Oh yeah, the priest eventually gets seduced by the Evil Reagan into fucking her. She’s like 15 or 16 at most. Really morally questionable. I highly recommend this movie. It’s the cream of the CRAP. I mean that in the best possible way.

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